In Objective-C
the code to check for a substring in an NSString
NSString *string = @\"hello Swift\";
NSRange textRange =[strin
string.containsString is only available in 10.10 Yosemite (and probably iOS8). Also bridging it to ObjectiveC crashes in 10.9. You're trying to pass a NSString to NSCFString. I don't know the difference, but I can say 10.9 barfs when it executes this code in a OS X 10.9 app.
Here are the differences in Swift with 10.9 and 10.10: containsString is only available in 10.10
Range of String above works great on 10.9. I am finding developing on 10.9 is super stable with Xcode beta2. I don't use playgrounds through or the command line version of playgrounds. I'm finding if the proper frameworks are imported the autocomplete is very helpful.
You don't need to write any custom code for this. Starting from the 1.2 version Swift has already had all the methods you need:
;contains(string, substring)
;startsWith(string, substring)
Another one. Supports case and diacritic options.
Swift 3.0
struct MyString {
static func contains(_ text: String, substring: String,
ignoreCase: Bool = true,
ignoreDiacritic: Bool = true) -> Bool {
var options = NSString.CompareOptions()
if ignoreCase { _ = options.insert(NSString.CompareOptions.caseInsensitive) }
if ignoreDiacritic { _ = options.insert(NSString.CompareOptions.diacriticInsensitive) }
return text.range(of: substring, options: options) != nil
MyString.contains("Niels Bohr", substring: "Bohr") // true
Case and diacritic insensitive function available since iOS 9.
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
"Für Elise".localizedStandardContains("fur") // true
If you want to check that one String contains another Sub-String within it or not you can check it like this too,
var name = String()
name = "John has two apples."
Now, in this particular string if you want to know if it contains fruit name 'apple' or not you can do,
if name.contains("apple")
print("Yes , it contains fruit name")
print(it does not contain any fruit name)
Hope this works for you.
Swift 3: Here you can see my smart search extension fro string that let you make a search on string for seeing if it contains, or maybe to filter a collection based on a search text.
I've found a couple of interesting use cases. These variants make use of the rangeOfString method and I include the equality example to show how one might best use the search and comparison features of Strings in Swift 2.0
//In viewDidLoad() I assign the current object description (A Swift String) to self.loadedObjectDescription
self.loadedObjectDescription = self.myObject!.description
Later after I've made changes to self.myObject, I can refer to the following string comparison routines (setup as lazy variables that return a Bool). This allows one to check the state at any time.
lazy var objectHasChanges : Bool = {
guard self.myObject != nil else { return false }
return !(self.loadedObjectDescription == self.myObject!.description)
A variant of this happens when sometimes I need to analyze a missing property on that object. A string search allows me to find a particular substring being set to nil (the default when an object is created).
lazy var isMissingProperty : Bool = {
guard self.myObject != nil else { return true }
let emptyPropertyValue = "myProperty = nil"
return (self.myObject!.description.rangeOfString(emptyPropertyValue) != nil) ? true : false