Say, we have an array: array(1,2,3,4,...)
And I want to convert it to:
You can simply make a recursive function :
function nestArray($myArray)
if (empty($myArray))
return array();
$firstValue = array_shift($myArray);
return array($firstValue => nestArray($myArray));
You can also use this array library to do that in just one line:
$array = Arr::setNestedElement([], '', 'value');
Well, try something like this:
$in = array(1,2,3,4); // Array with incoming params
$res = array(); // Array where we will write result
$t = &$res; // Link to first level
foreach ($in as $k) { // Walk through source array
if (empty($t[$k])) { // Check if current level has required key
$t[$k] = array(); // If does not, create empty array there
$t = &$t[$k]; // And link to it now. So each time it is link to deepest level.
unset($t); // Drop link to last (most deep) level
array(1) {
[1]=> array(1) {
[2]=> array(1) {
[3]=> array(1) {
[4]=> array(0) {
I think the syntax for the multidimensional array you want to create would look like the following.
$array = array(
'array1' => array('value' => 'another_value'),
'array2' => array('something', 'something else'),
'array3' => array('value', 'value')
Is this what you're looking for?
$x = count($array) - 1;
$temp = array();
for($i = $x; $i >= 0; $i--)
$temp = array($array[$i] => $temp);