What we are trying to do here is that we have a form with an id of upgrade_form. We also have a form called \'paypal_submit\' form. This form is blank. \'upgrade_form\' has
If you haven't already, you could try stepping through it using the built-in IE JavaScript debugger (built in since IE8, or downloadable pre IE8)?
Many people use firebug - because it's awesome :) but many people don't realise the hidden talent of the built in debugger in IE 8.
It's got the same fundemental features as any other script debugger, but here is a guide for the specific features if you haven't come across it before:
I've recently had a similar issue, where I was creating a "pseudo-form" within an ASP.NET server form (so I couldn't use another form tag), which I wanted to post to another domain without needing to write server-side code to do the remote post. Easy answer - create a form on the fly and submit it. Works in good browsers...
After some trials and tribulations, I realised that IE won't work as expected (what a surprise) unless the form that is being submitted has been added to DOM. So, this was my solution. I hope it helps some of you. Please be aware, all of my inputs and my submit were in the same container. ".post-to" is a hidden input with the URL.
$(".post-form").click(function(ev) {
var postto = $(this).siblings(".post-to").val();
var form = document.createElement("form")
$(form).attr("id", "reg-form").attr("name", "reg-form").attr("action", postto).attr("method", "post").attr("enctype", "multipart/form-data");
$(this).siblings("input:text").each(function() {
return false;
Eventually, it works a treat.
Changing the way you've formatted the .each()
method seems to do the trick...
$('form#paypal-form').submit( function(e) {
var parameters = $('form#upgrade_form').serializeArray();
$('<input />').attr('type', 'hidden')
.attr('name', param.name)
.attr('value', param.value)
Would a try...catch
statement inside the each()
reveal the error ?