You can loop through the rows by transposing and then calling iteritems:
for date, row in df.T.iteritems():
# do some logic here
I am not certain about efficiency in that case. To get the best possible performance in an iterative algorithm, you might want to explore writing it in Cython, so you could do something like:
def my_algo(ndarray[object] dates, ndarray[float64_t] open,
ndarray[float64_t] low, ndarray[float64_t] high,
ndarray[float64_t] close, ndarray[float64_t] volume):
Py_ssize_t i, n
float64_t foo
n = len(dates)
for i from 0 <= i < n:
foo = close[i] - open[i] # will be extremely fast
I would recommend writing the algorithm in pure Python first, make sure it works and see how fast it is-- if it's not fast enough, convert things to Cython like this with minimal work to get something that's about as fast as hand-coded C/C++.