Does anyone know how to write a program in Python that will calculate the addition of the harmonic series. i.e. 1 + 1/2 +1/3 +1/4...
Just a footnote on the other answers that used floating point; starting with the largest divisor and iterating downward (toward the reciprocals with largest value) will put off accumulated round-off error as much as possible.
A fast, accurate, smooth, complex-valued version of the H function can be calculated using the digamma function as explained here. The Euler-Mascheroni (gamma) constant and the digamma function are available in the numpy and scipy libraries, respectively.
from numpy import euler_gamma
from scipy.special import digamma
def digamma_H(s):
""" If s is complex the result becomes complex. """
return digamma(s + 1) + euler_gamma
from fractions import Fraction
def Kiv_H(n):
return sum(Fraction(1, d) for d in xrange(1, n + 1))
def J_F_Sebastian_H(n):
return euler_gamma + log(n) + 0.5/n - 1./(12*n**2) + 1./(120*n**4)
Here's a comparison of the three methods for speed and precision (with Kiv_H for reference):
Kiv_H(x) J_F_Sebastian_H(x) digamma_H(x)
x seconds bits seconds bits seconds bits
1 5.06e-05 exact 2.47e-06 8.8 1.16e-05 exact
10 4.45e-04 exact 3.25e-06 29.5 1.17e-05 52.6
100 7.64e-03 exact 3.65e-06 50.4 1.17e-05 exact
1000 7.62e-01 exact 5.92e-06 52.9 1.19e-05 exact
Using the simple for loop
def harmonicNumber(n):
for i in range (0,n):
x=x+ 1/(i+1)
return x
@Kiv's answer is correct but it is slow for large n if you don't need an infinite precision. It is better to use an asymptotic formula in this case:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from math import log
def H(n):
"""Returns an approximate value of n-th harmonic number.
# Euler-Mascheroni constant
gamma = 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104215933593992
return gamma + log(n) + 0.5/n - 1./(12*n**2) + 1./(120*n**4)
@Kiv's answer for Python 2.6:
from fractions import Fraction
harmonic_number = lambda n: sum(Fraction(1, d) for d in xrange(1, n+1))
>>> N = 100
>>> h_exact = harmonic_number(N)
>>> h = H(N)
>>> rel_err = (abs(h - h_exact) / h_exact)
>>> print n, "%r" % h, "%.2g" % rel_err
100 5.1873775176396242 6.8e-16
At N = 100
relative error is less then 1e-15
This ought to do the trick.
def calc_harmonic(n):
return sum(1.0/d for d in range(2,n+1))