I am trying to use the Paperclip gem on a Rails project so followed the docs and first installed Imagemagick using the Homebrew recipe.
I added to my model my attach
There's a simpler solution. Either install freetype:
brew install freetype
or, if it's already installed, then you need to recreate the links:
brew unlink freetype && brew link freetype
this will fix everything for you. Well, not everything, but it'll at least fix this problem.
I ran into the same issue. Running a software update on the operating system resolved it for me. The version of libfree is out of date. Paperclip, ImageMagick and Homebrew were all working fine.
I hope this helps to someone: After I try all these solution out there (update brew, reinstall imagemagick, unlink and link again) without success, came to my mind that Paperclip might be the issue. I just do:
bundle update paperclip
And problem solved!
Note: imagemagick is working properly to me. When I run identify -format %wx%h /path/to/a/file
from console, it works fine (I get the image's size). The 'identify' problem was happening only from my rails app.
After a software update on OSX MoutainLion ImageMagick stopped working for me too, but simply following the steps taken by Chris worked:
brew update
brew remove imagemagick
brew install imagemagick
libfreetype was missing on my Mountain Lion (10.8) installation. In this case, installing XQuartz will replace the missing lib. http://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/