I\'m writing a small script that gathers a couple exif values from images... namely the creation date, make and model.
I\'m noticing (particularly with image mailed
You can use the @ operator to hide the warning without using display_errors, i.e.
$exif = @exif_read_data(..);
That's better than setting display_errors because it silences warnings/errors on the exif read function only, and does not hide other possible errors in your code.
Despite this is on old topic, it came for me out of nowhere with new php 7.2: Bug #75785 Many errors from exif_read_data
I agree with @maraspin, as any error is for a reason and not dealing with it means having poor performance (time, features).
MY GOAL: to get 'DateTimeOriginal' of uploadable image (and not just creation_date of tmp file - DateTime).
1. Normal using of exif_read_data:
$exif = exif_read_data(tmp/phpTBAlvX); or
$exif = exif_read_data($file->tempName, 'ANY_TAG'); or
$exif = exif_read_data($file->tempName, 'IFD0'); or
$exif = exif_read_data($file->tempName, 'EXIF');
PHP Warning – yii\base\ErrorException exif_read_data(tmp/phpTBAlvX): Process tag(x010D=DocumentNam): Illegal components(0)
2. Using the @ operator to hide the warning:
$exif = @exif_read_data(tmp/phpTBAlvX);
RESULT: $exif as array with 20 arguments, but no 'DateTimeOriginal' in it
Array (
[FileName] => phphT9mZy
[FileDateTime] => 1529171254
[SectionsFound] => ANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF
[COMPUTED] => Array
[html] => width="3968" height="2976"
[Height] => 2976
[Width] => 3968
[ImageWidth] => 3968
[ImageLength] => 2976
[BitsPerSample] => Array()
[ImageDescription] => cof
[Make] => HUAWEI
[DateTime] => 2018:06:14 12:00:38
[YCbCrPositioning] => 1
3. Ended with solution:
$img = new \Imagick(tmp/phpTBAlvX);
$allProp = $img->getImageProperties();
$exifProp = $img->getImageProperties("exif:*");
RESULT: $allProp as array with 70 arguments with 'DateTimeOriginal'
Array (
[date:create] => 2018-06-16T21:15:24+03:00
[date:modify] => 2018-06-16T21:15:24+03:00
[exif:ApertureValue] => 227/100
[exif:BitsPerSample] => 8, 8, 8
[exif:DateTimeOriginal] => 2018:06:14 12:00:38
[jpeg:colorspace] => 2
[jpeg:sampling-factor] => 2x2,1x1,1x1
RESULT: $exifProp as array with 66 arguments with 'DateTimeOriginal'
Array (
[exif:ApertureValue] => 227/100
[exif:BitsPerSample] => 8, 8, 8
[exif:DateTimeOriginal] => 2018:06:14 12:00:38