Can I create in SQLite
a statement like this?
update books set
(if number_of_pages > 0 then number_of_pages = number_of_pages - 1)
where book
If you just want to conditionally update some rows and leave others intact, this should do:
update books
set number_of_pages = number_of_pages - 1
where number_of_pages > 0 AND book_id = 10
If you want to update all rows (with book_id = 10
) to different values, you can use 2 statements with "opposite" conditions. Assuming 0 is the "other" value, that would look like this:
update books
set number_of_pages = number_of_pages - 1
where number_of_pages > 0 AND book_id = 10
update books
set number_of_pages = 0
where number_of_pages <= 0 AND book_id = 10
Or just use CASE as others have suggested.
Isnt that equal to this statement ?
update books set number_of_pages = number_of_pages - 1 where number_of_pages>0
according to new statement :
update books set number_of_pages = number_of_pages - 1 where number_of_pages>0 and book_id = 10
statement should work with the following syntax:
SET number_of_page = CASE WHEN number_of_pages > 0 THEN (number_of_pages - 1) ELSE 0 END
WHERE whatever_condition