I\'m having an issue with a named anchor tag in iPhone Safari browser. It works well in desktop browsers including Safari, but not working in mobile Safari. Weird!
just doing my due diligence and answering for anyone who is having this problem with Index navigation links on a Squarespace page and Safari on iOS. My anchor links were not working when formatted as such:
Then I tried this to no avail:
Rather than give up, light my computer on fire, and call it a day I tried:
And it worked! So cheers if this helps anyone.
I couldn't get it working with above solutions so hopefully I did my own workaround.
Purpose: Scroll to anchor "#issues" after navigating to URL "https://example.com/issues/"
if (window.location.href.search("anchor=issues") > 0) {
window.location.href= "https://example.com/issues/#issues";
You can observe that after opening link "https://example.com/issues/#issues" Safari scrolls from anchor to the top of the page, then when you click to edit URL and hit submit button, you will be scrolled to anchor.
I hope they will fix it fast and after that they will add immediately push notification support.
Opera, IE, Chrome and Firefox will carry over the anchor to the new page. However, Safari loses the anchor on the redirect.
So what if you add /
just before the ID Tag
Old URL Path:
New URL Path:
Another solution is that you'd have to delete both "www." from the domain and add a forward slash before the anchor tag
in the URL/pathname before Safari would respond properly. Firefox doesn't seem to care, and I haven't gotten to testing on IE yet.
Safari loses the anchor tag after redirecting. So avoid anything that leads to a (second) redirect.
add a trailing / if there is no prefix like .html/.php (mypage/)
Maybe it's useful to check for a redirect using tools like cURL
curl -I http://www.domain.tdl/mypage/#safari
I have been wrestling with this problem for a client of mine. I will not name names but I will share a solution I found which suddenly brought dead anchors links back to life and working on both the mobile and desktop versions of the site.
I had attributed the malfunction to an overabundance of page / site scripts and css which I can not change because while this site belongs to a local business it is part of a global corporate network which has its own protocols and best practices. In other words, I can specify inline styles to distinguish page elements but at the end of the day the page must conform to corporate guidelines and rules.
Here's a snippet of my code that embodies what I learned:
href="#anchorname" target="_top"
The key here is the target tag _top
According to http://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_a_target.asp the default target is _self and while your html generator may not write that specific bit of code into your pages which is to say that because it is the default IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SPECIFIED, my research has indicated that by specifying _top as the target the dead link problem was solved.
I hope this solution works for you.