While looking for an big integer library for an ElGamal crypto implementation I tested several libraries with the following results:
I recommend this one: Tom Wu's jsbn.js (http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~tjw/jsbn/)
- Comprehensive set of functions and fast
Leemon Baird's big integer library (http://www.leemon.com/crypto/BigInt.js)
- Comprehensive set of functions and pretty fast
- BUT: Negative number representation is buggy!
bignumber.js (https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js)
- Pretty complete set of functions
- BUT: Converting really big numbers from strings into BigNumber objects result in INFINITY
Scheme arithmetic library for JavaScript (https://github.com/jtobey/javascript-bignum)
- JS-Implementation of Scheme arithmetic functions
- BUT: No function for y= x^e mod n
I haven't tested this by myself: BigNumber (http://jsfromhell.com/classes/bignumber)
- Functions for high precision claculations
- BUT: It's said to be slow due to internal representation of numbers as strings