Consider a text file called \"new.txt\" containing the following elements:
In Python 2.7, I can read the file by typing:
If you want to use loadtxt
, you can either first load the raw byte array and then decode:
data = np.loadtxt('foo.txt', dtype='S8')
unicode_data = data.view(np.chararray).decode('utf-8')
or specify a converter for decoding:
data = np.loadtxt('foo.txt', converters={0: lambda x: unicode(x, 'utf-8')}, dtype='U2')
However, using fromiter
as in Sven's answer is probably going to be more effective than loadtxt
In memory, unicode strings are represented as UCS-2 or UCS-4, depending on how your Python interpreter was compiled. Your file is encoded in UTF-8, so you need to recode it before you can map it to the NumPy array. loadtxt()
can't do the recoding for you -- after all NumPy is mainly targeted at numerical arrays.
Assuming every line has the same number of characters, you could also use the more efficient variant
s ="new.txt", encoding="utf-8").read()
arr = numpy.frombuffer(s, dtype="<U3")
This will include the newline characters in the strings. To not include them, use
arr = numpy.frombuffer(s.replace("\n", ""), dtype="<U2")
Edit: If the lines of your file have different lengths and you would like to avoid the intermediate list, you can use
arr = numpy.fromiter("new.txt", encoding="utf-8"), dtype="<U2")
I'm not sure if this will internally create some temporary list, though.