I have read through the php manual for this problem and it seems quite a common issue but i have yet to find a solution. I am saving sessions in a database. My code is as f
Have you got an session_start(); on the top?
Not tested but cant you do something like this:
$_SESSION['userID'] = $user->id;
if( $_SESSION['userID'] == $user->id )
header('Location: /index.php');
I never have this Problem before, interesting
This was annoying as hell but I finally figured out a solution.
config.php i had: include 'session.php';
At the top of session.php, I had: session_start();
By moving session_start() to the top of the config.php file, viola...
Problem solved!
I had the same problem recently. I'm writting a customized MVC Website for school and, as everyone told, start_session() must be written in the very first lines of code.
My problem was THE LOCATION of "session_start()". It must be the first lines of your global controller, not the first lines of the view. $_SESSION was not accessible in controller's files because it was only initiated when the server render the view.
Then, I'm using session_write_close() after the header('location: xxx.php') call to keep session variables for the next request.
globalController.php :
//First line
//Users is validated and redirected.
$_SESSION['client'] = $client;
header('location: index.php');
Hope it solved your problems.
I know this is an old toppic but I found the solution (for me). I've put a exit after the header.
$_SESSION['session'] = 'this is a session';
header('location: apage.php');
This works for me