I\'m using datepicker inside my input , my last field is the datepicker input , after validating it i want to set focus on another input inside my form , but the problem is
My version of js:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(function () {
$("#dtp1").on("dp.change", function (e) {
I hope it's help you
To be dynamic, and using the class assigned by jQueryui you can do:
$(".hasDatepicker").on("blur", function(e) { $(this).off("focus").datepicker("hide"); });
;(function() {
function eventOnFocusDP(e, par) {
if (par.ver == $.fn.jquery) {
if (this.tmr) clearTimeout(this.tmr);
this.tmr = setTimeout(function() { par.inpNP.focus(); }, par.secs*1e3);
function eventOnFocusNP(e, par) {
if (par.ver == $.fn.jquery) {
function eventOnBlurNP(e, par) {
if (par.ver == $.fn.jquery) par.lbl2.text("");
function eventOnBlurHDP(e, par) {
if (par.ver == $.fn.jquery) {
function test(secs) {
this.ver = $.fn.jquery;
this.secs = (typeof secs)=='number'?secs:2;
this.msgs = [
'This will lose focus to box below '+this.secs+' seconds after it gains focus.',
'Losing focus in '+this.secs+' seconds!',
'Focus now on bottom box.'
this.inpDP = $('[name=datePicker]');
this.inpNP = $('[name=nextPicker]');
this.lbl1 = $('#dPMsg').text(this.msgs[0]);
this.lbl2 = $('#dPMsg2');
var par = this;
this.inpDP.datepicker({ dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy" })
.on('focus', function(e) { eventOnFocusDP.apply(this, [e, par]) });
this.inpNP.on('focus', function(e) { eventOnFocusNP.apply(this, [e, par]) });
this.inpNP.on('blur', function(e) { eventOnBlurNP.apply(this, [e, par]) });
$(document).on('blur', '.hasDatepicker', function(e) { eventOnBlurHDP.apply(this, [e, par]) });
return this;
function init() {
window.Test = test;
setTimeout(function() {
$(document).on('change', '.switcher, .switcher-ui', function(e) { if (window.Test) new Test(); });
}, 1e3);
if (document.readyState == "complete") init();
else jQuery(window).on('load', init);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/JDMcKinstry/cfc32292cbbfa548fb9584db05b2b2fc/raw/4f16f7ee441dfb98aa166a2e84193b14574a46d1/jquery.switcher.js"></script>
<form action="javascript: void 0">
<input type="text" name="datePicker" id="dP" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy" />
<label for="dP" id="dPMsg"></label>
<hr />
<input type="text" name="nextPicker" placeholder="tab to here" />
<label for="dP" id="dPMsg2"></label>
<hr />
<hr />
<hr />
Here's a modified solution that worked for me:
$(".hasDatepicker").each(function (index, element) {
var context = $(this);
context.on("blur", function (e) {
// The setTimeout is the key here.
setTimeout(function () {
if (!context.is(':focus')) {
}, 250);
This worked for me:
onSelect: function () {
$(this).off( "focus" );
Question Edited to work with the latest version of jqueryUI
JqueryUi auto-closes the datepicker when an element loses focus by user interaction, but not when changing focus with JS.
Where you are calling your function which removes focus from the input assigned a datepicker you also need to call:
$("#test_date ~ .ui-datepicker").hide();
This code is hiding the datepicker which is a sibling (~) of #test_date.