I\'m using a textarea to enable users to input comments. However, if the users enters new lines, the new lines don\'t appear when they are outputted. Is there any way to m
Got my own answer: Using this function from the data from the textarea solves the problem:
function mynl2br($text) {
return strtr($text, array("\r\n" => '<br />', "\r" => '<br />', "\n" => '<br />'));
More here: http://php.net/nl2br
why make is sooooo hard people when it can be soooo easy :)
//here is the pull from the form
$your_form_text = $_POST['your_form_text'];
//line 1 fixes the line breaks - line 2 the slashes
$your_form_text = nl2br($your_form_text);
$your_form_text = stripslashes($your_form_text);
//email away
$message = "Comments: $your_form_text";
mail("destination_email@whatever.com", "Website Form Submission", $message, $headers);
you will obviously need headers and likely have more fields, but this is your textarea take care of
Two solutions for this:
PHP function nl2br():
echo nl2br("This\r\nis\n\ra\nstring\r");
// will output
This<br />
is<br />
a<br />
string<br />
Wrap the input in <pre></pre>
See: W3C Wiki - HTML/Elements/pre
This works:
function getBreakText($t) {
return strtr($t, array('\\r\\n' => '<br>', '\\r' => '<br>', '\\n' => '<br>'));
function breakit($t) {
return nl2br(htmlentities($t, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
this may help you
pass the textarea wal
Here is what I use
$textToStore = nl2br(htmlentities($inputText, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'));
is the text provided by either the form or textarea.
is the returned text from nl2br
and htmlentities
, to be stored in your database.
will convert both double and single quotes, so you'll have no trouble with those.