This is similar to Import PEM into Java Key Store. But the question\'s answers use OpenSSL for conversions and tools to import them into key stores on the file system.
I found the answer while trying to do this another way at Set certificate for KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry?. Its based on Vit Hnilica's answer at loading a certificate from keystore. I"m going to leave the question with this answer since most Stack Overflow answers start with "convert with openssl
, then use keytool
String CA_FILE = ...;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(CA_FILE);
X509Certificate ca = (X509Certificate) CertificateFactory.getInstance(
"X.509").generateCertificate(new BufferedInputStream(fis));
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
ks.load(null, null);
ks.setCertificateEntry(Integer.toString(1), ca);
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory