I am doing the coin-change problem. I have finished the problem in that it prints out how many coins I need to make the least amount of change possible, but how do I change
A different version of your program:
def change(C, V, res=None):
res = [] if res is None else res
if len(V) == 0:
return len(res), res
maxx = max(V)
ans = C//maxx
if ans == 0 and maxx < C :
res += [maxx] * ans
return len(res), res
res += [maxx] * ans
return change(C % maxx, V, res)
print change(48,[1, 5, 10, 25, 50])
print change(30,[25, 10, 2, 3, 1])
(6, [25, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1])
(3, [25, 3, 2])
PS: I'll add an explanation if you want.