How to run an exe file using java code?The .exe file is already there. The plan is to write a Java code for running the same. Any tutorial or reference for the same?
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process proc = rt.exec("javac");
You need to execute exec()
method of Runtime
that returns Process
instance or use ProcessBuilder class methods.
Process process=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("file.exe");
The quickest and easiest way is just to do as follows:
Also, see an alternative approach at
There is an example there. ProcessBuilder gives you a bit better control over the process and arguments and is probably a bit cleaner and more expressive, particularly if you need to supply arguments, but does result in a few more lines of code.
Try the following code:
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime() ;
Process p = rt.exec("Program.exe") ;
InputStream in = p.getInputStream() ;
OutputStream out = p.getOutputStream ();
InputStream err = p.getErrorStream() ;
//do whatever you want
p.destroy() ;
catch(Exception exc)
/*handle exception*/