How could I convert an XLS file to a CSV file on the windows command line.
The machine has Microsoft Office 2000 installed. I\'m open to installing OpenOffice if it\
Here is a version that will handle multiple files drag and dropped from windows. Based on the above works by
Christian Lemer
Open Notepad, create a file called XlsToCsv.vbs and paste this in:
'* Usage: Drop .xl* files on me to export each sheet as CSV
'* Global Settings and Variables
Dim gSkip
Set args = Wscript.Arguments
For Each sFilename In args
iErr = ExportExcelFileToCSV(sFilename)
' 0 for normal success
' 404 for file not found
' 10 for file skipped (or user abort if script returns 10)
Function ExportExcelFileToCSV(sFilename)
'* Settings
Dim oExcel, oFSO, oExcelFile
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
iCSV_Format = 6
'* Set Up
sExtension = oFSO.GetExtensionName(sFilename)
if sExtension = "" then
ExportExcelFileToCSV = 404
Exit Function
end if
sTest = Mid(sExtension,1,2) '* first 2 letters of the extension, vb's missing a Like operator
if not (sTest = "xl") then
if (PromptForSkip(sFilename,oExcel)) then
ExportExcelFileToCSV = 10
Exit Function
end if
End If
sAbsoluteSource = oFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(sFilename)
sAbsoluteDestination = Replace(sAbsoluteSource,sExtension,"{sheet}.csv")
'* Do Work
Set oExcelFile = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(sAbsoluteSource)
For Each oSheet in oExcelFile.Sheets
sThisDestination = Replace(sAbsoluteDestination,"{sheet}",oSheet.Name)
oExcelFile.SaveAs sThisDestination, iCSV_Format
'* Take Down
oExcelFile.Close False
ExportExcelFileToCSV = 0
Exit Function
End Function
Function PromptForSkip(sFilename,oExcel)
if not (VarType(gSkip) = vbEmpty) then
PromptForSkip = gSkip
Exit Function
end if
Dim oFSO
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sPrompt = vbCRLF & _
"A filename was received that doesn't appear to be an Excel Document." & vbCRLF & _
"Do you want to skip this and all other unrecognized files? (Will only prompt this once)" & vbCRLF & _
"" & vbCRLF & _
"Yes - Will skip all further files that don't have a .xl* extension" & vbCRLF & _
"No - Will pass the file to excel regardless of extension" & vbCRLF & _
"Cancel - Abort any further conversions and exit this script" & vbCRLF & _
"" & vbCRLF & _
"The unrecognized file was:" & vbCRLF & _
sFilename & vbCRLF & _
"" & vbCRLF & _
"The path returned by the system was:" & vbCRLF & _
oFSO.GetAbsolutePathName(sFilename) & vbCRLF
sTitle = "Unrecognized File Type Encountered"
sResponse = MsgBox (sPrompt,vbYesNoCancel,sTitle)
Select Case sResponse
Case vbYes
gSkip = True
Case vbNo
gSkip = False
Case vbCancel
WScript.Quit(10) '* 10 Is the error code I use to indicate there was a user abort (1 because wasn't successful, + 0 because the user chose to exit)
End Select
PromptForSkip = gSkip
Exit Function
End Function
Scott F's answer is the best I have found on the internet. I did add on to his code to meet my needs. I added:
On Error Resume Next <- To account for a missing xls files in my batch processing at the top. oBook.Application.Columns("A:J").NumberFormat = "@" <- Before the SaveAs line to make sure my data is saved formatted as text to keep excel from deleting leading zero's and eliminating commas in number strings in my data i.e. (1,200 to 1200). The column range should be adjusted to meet your neeeds (A:J).
I also removed the Echo "done" to make it non interactive.
I then added the script into a cmd batch file for processing automated data on an hourly basis via a task.
You can do it with Alacon - command-line utility for Alasql database. It works with Node.js, so you need to install Node.js and then Alasql package.
To convert Excel file to CVS (ot TSV) you can enter:
> node alacon "SELECT * INTO CSV('mydata.csv', {headers:true}) FROM XLS('mydata.xls', {headers:true})"
By default Alasql converts data from "Sheet1", but you can change it with parameters:
{headers:false, sheetid: 'Sheet2', range: 'A1:C100'}
Alacon supports other type of conversions (CSV, TSV, TXT, XLSX, XLS) and SQL language constructions (see User Manual for examples).