I have a simple meteor app that I\'m running on an Amazon EC2 server. Everything is working great. I start it manually with my user via meteor
in the project
I am using upstart on Ubuntu server which you should be able to easily install on Amazon linux.
This is roughly my /etc/init/myapp.conf
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth0)
stop on shutdown
respawn limit 99 5
export HOME="/home/deploy"
export NODE_ENV="production"
export MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost:27017/myappdb"
export ROOT_URL=http://localhost
export MAIL_URL=smtp://localhost:25
export METEOR_SETTINGS='{"somesetting":true}'
cd /var/www/myapp/bundle/
exec sudo -u deploy PORT=3000 /usr/bin/node main.js >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1
end script
I can then manually start and stop myapp
like this:
sudo start myapp
sudo stop myapp
I believe this package solves your problem: https://github.com/arunoda/meteor-up
which seems to use forever
: https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever
Install forever and use a start script.
$ npm install -g forever
I have several scripts for managing my production environment - the start script looks something like:
forever stopall
export MAIL_URL=...
export MONGO_URL=...
export MONGO_OPLOG_URL=...
export PORT=3000
export ROOT_URL=...
forever start /home/ubuntu/apps/myapp/bundle/main.js
exit 0
Conveniently, it will also append to a log file in ~/.forever
which will show any errors encountered while running your app. You can get the location of the log file and other stats about your app with:
$ forever list
To get your app to start on startup, you'd need to do something appropriate for your flavor of linux. You can maybe just put the start script in /etc/rc.local
. For ubuntu see this question.
Also note you really should be bundling your app if using it in production. See this comparison for more details on the differences.