I\'m trying to make some ASyncTask to run simultaneously with a priority.
I\'ve creating a ThreadPoolExecutor with an PriorityBlockingQueue and the propper comparat
Borrow source code from android.os.AsyncTask and make your own com.company.AsyncTask implementation, where you can control everything you want in your own code.
android.os.AsyncTask come with two ready baked executor, THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR and SERIAL_EXECUTOR:
private static final BlockingQueue<Runnable> sPoolWorkQueue =
new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(10);
* An {@link Executor} that can be used to execute tasks in parallel.
public static final Executor THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR
TimeUnit.SECONDS, sPoolWorkQueue, sThreadFactory);
* An {@link Executor} that executes tasks one at a time in serial
* order. This serialization is global to a particular process.
public static final Executor SERIAL_EXECUTOR = new SerialExecutor();
in your com.company.AsyncTask, create another PRIORITY_THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR and wrap all your implementation within this class (where you have visiablity to all internal fields), and use your AysncTask like so:
com.company.AsyncTask asyncTask = new com.company.AsyncTask();
asyncTask.executeOnExecutor(com.company.AsyncTask.PRIORITY_THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, (Void[]) null);
Check out my answer here and see how I create my own AsyncTask to make executeOnExecutor() works before API Level 11.