I have a 2.2.3 app which I upgraded to 2.3.2
It\'s a multi-site (using subdomain) that creates one top level session for all sites.
This is how I change the
I'm running Rails 2.3.5 and have
config.action_controller.session = {:domain => '.localhost:3000'}
in my development.rb but I don't get it to work?
Something else you need to do?
Olly's answer is correct, in rails 2.3 it should be:
config.action_controller.session[:domain] = '.example.com'
I just wanted to add that if you don't already have some session options created you may receive this when using that:
undefined method `[]=' for nil:NilClass
In that case you should use this instead (which creates the session variable instead of updating it):
config.action_controller.session ||= {}
config.action_controller.session[:domain] = '.example.com'
Edit: apparently Rails 2.2.2 projects use something different. "domain" should be named "session_domain" and take the period character off the front of the domain. Try this:
config.action_controller.session ||= {}
config.action_controller.session[:session_domain] = 'example.com'
I'm also running 2.3.5 and encountering similar issues to @alfred-nerstu
No error messages with the patch from @schickm but it doesn't seem to take, either.
Just wanted to mention that another way to handle the whole subdomain thing for the cookies is dynamically. Works in 2.3.4.
Something like this in the environment.rb
# solution to use the cookies in the api. domains
# this is relevant but in 2.3.4 the code is different
# http://szeryf.wordpress.com/2008/01/21/cookie-handling-in-multi-domain-applications-in-ruby-on-rails/
# Just making sure that api. shares the domain name
require 'dispatcher'
module ActionController
class Dispatcher
def set_session_domain
host_name = @env['SERVER_NAME']
new_host_name = whatever #some mod of the host_name, for instance
ActionController::Base.session = {
:domain => new_host_name
before_dispatch :set_session_domain