Trying to use Spring 4 WebSocket with STOMP over socket using sockjs. And i faced a problem.
My configuration:
websocket.xml - part of spring context
I think your issue can be the same of this one and its accepted answer can apply.
In short: check how you mapped your DispatcherServlet. For your endpoint URL to be http://localhost:8080/ws
the DispatcherServlet and your application contexte root should be set as "/".
It should be something like this, in your web.xml
This or you need to include context-root and dispatcher mapping in your end-point URL:
I hope it can help you.
I arrived on this page and - thanks to Boris Accepted Answer was motivated to reconsider the java approach as opposed to the xml approach which was causing the - /info=34424 with 404 error...whoops lost connection - I have Spring 4.2 in my project and many SockJS Stomp implementations usually work well with Spring Boot implementations. This implementation from Baeldung worked(for me without changing from Spring 4.2 to 5 or Boot). After Using the dependencies mentioned in his blog, it still gave me ClassNotFoundError. I added the below dependency to fix it.
Baeldung's implementation curiously does not make any such calls
What it does (on send and receive) is below. I am only pasting it in case people well-versed with these libraries can further add insights on this forum.
>>> SEND
{"from":"nicholas","text":"try again"}
{"from":"nicholas","text":"try again","time":"13:46"}
I follow Boris The Spider advice and i started use Java Configuration (AppConfig and WebInit files) instead of XML configuration files. When i finished migration - i tried websockets - and it is works! I thought that the main problem was in XML configuration for WebSocket.
firstly, you have set destination prefix with app, so you must add 'app' into your request url. e.g. if i wanted to request for '/ws', i should create SockJS with path '/server/app/ws', also you can code with
var socket = new SockJS("<c:url value='/server/app/ws'/>")
and you know the 'server' is your project name over springmvc.
secondly, you must add the path '/app/*' to org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet so as to avoid the path with prefix '/app' intercepted by interceptor defined in web.xml.