Without associating the app with the store, i can run and debug the cordova app on my devices (all works fine). But after associating the app with the store (or after built
before associate app in visual studio
ionic plarform add windows
cordova build -- --packageCertificateKeyFile="CordovaApp.Windows10_StoreKey.pfx" --packageThumbprint="8d66824...."
and you have associated app without visual studio
I ran into the same issue.
In fact, when we associate app with the store, association change "Package Name" with name generated to the store.
The result is : start page don't know where is "index.html" because package name changed.
To resolve it, cordova team added two preferences :
<preference name="WindowsStoreIdentityName" value="12225TOTO42.3355241V9C2T6" />
<preference name="WindowsStorePublisherName" value="CN=9985D2C8-IUI5-4272-TOTO-EBR6FE26877A" />
You just have to add it to your config.xml and fill fields with your app identity informations (retrieve this values from App Management --> App Identity in the Dev Center)
Association should be successful now !
The issue reference is here : https://github.com/phonegap/build/issues/506
i found a solution!
The error only occur, when i install cordova and plugins over CLI, but when i start a cordova project over visual studio 2015 and use the integrated plugin manager -> so it works without any error.
I had the same problem but I resolve it now. When you associate the application to store, Visual Studio changes these values:
but it does not change the value of package name in the application tab:
so the index.html is not found and the app shows a blank screen. To resolve it, you must add two preferences in config.xml file as described here:
and rebuild the project from CLI with the usual command:
cordova build windows
after rebuild the project, the values shown in the following image must be the same: