Equation (expression) parser with precedence?

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遇见更好的自我 2020-11-22 11:44

I\'ve developed an equation parser using a simple stack algorithm that will handle binary (+, -, |, &, *, /, etc) operators, unary (!) operators, and parenthesis.

  • 2020-11-22 12:13

    Another resource for precedence parsing is the Operator-precedence parser entry on Wikipedia. Covers Dijkstra's shunting yard algorithm, and a tree alternate algorithm, but more notably covers a really simple macro replacement algorithm that can be trivially implemented in front of any precedence ignorant parser:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
      for(int i=1;i!=argc;i++){
        if(argv[i] && !argv[i][1]){
          case '^': printf(")^("); continue;
          case '*': printf("))*(("); continue;
          case '/': printf("))/(("); continue;
          case '+': printf(")))+((("); continue;
          case '-': printf(")))-((("); continue;
        printf("%s", argv[i]);
      return 0;

    Invoke it as:

    $ cc -o parenthesise parenthesise.c
    $ ./parenthesise a \* b + c ^ d / e

    Which is awesome in its simplicity, and very understandable.

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  • 2020-11-22 12:16

    It depends on how "general" you want it to be.

    If you want it to be really really general such as be able to parse mathematical functions as well like sin(4+5)*cos(7^3) you will probably need a parse tree.

    In which, I do not think that a complete implementation is proper to be pasted here. I'd suggest that you check out one of the infamous "Dragon book".

    But if you just want precedence support, then you could do that by first converting the expression to postfix form in which an algorithm that you can copy-and-paste should be available from google or I think you can code it up yourself with a binary tree.

    When you have it in postfix form, then it's piece of cake from then on since you already understand how the stack helps.

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  • 2020-11-22 12:17


    Very good explanation of different approaches:

    • Recursive-descent recognition
    • The shunting yard algorithm
    • The classic solution
    • Precedence climbing

    Written in simple language and pseudo-code.

    I like 'precedence climbing' one.

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  • 2020-11-22 12:17

    I have posted source for an ultra compact (1 class, < 10 KiB) Java Math Evaluator on my web site. This is a recursive descent parser of the type that caused the cranial explosion for the poster of the accepted answer.

    It supports full precedence, parenthesis, named variables and single-argument functions.

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  • 2020-11-22 12:17

    Actually there's a way to do this without recursion, which allows you to go through the entire expression once, character by character. This is O(n) for time and space. It takes all of 5 milliseconds to run even for a medium-sized expression.

    First, you'd want to do a check to ensure that your parens are balanced. I'm not doing it here for simplicity. Also, I'm acting as if this were a calculator. Calculators do not apply precedence unless you wrap an expression in parens.

    I'm using two stacks, one for the operands and another for the operators. I increase the priority of the operation whenever I reach an opening '(' paren and decrease the priority whenever I reach a closing ')' paren. I've even revised the code to add in numbers with decimals. This is in c#.

    NOTE: This doesn't work for signed numbers like negative numbers. Probably is just a simple revision.

      internal double Compute(string sequence)
            int priority = 0;
            int sequenceCount = sequence.Length;            
            for (int i = 0; i < sequenceCount; i++) {
                char s = sequence[i];                
                if (Char.IsDigit(s)) {
                    double value = ParseNextNumber(sequence, i);
                    i = i + value.ToString().Length - 1;
                } else if (s == '+' || s == '-' || s == '*' || s == '/')  {                
                   Operator op = ParseNextOperator(sequence, i, priority);
                    CollapseTop(op, numberStack, operatorStack);
                } if (s == '(') { priority++; ; continue; }
                else if (s == ')') { priority--; continue; }
            if (priority != 0) { throw new ApplicationException("Parens not balanced"); }
            CollapseTop(new Operator(' ', 0), numberStack, operatorStack);
            if (numberStack.Count == 1 && operatorStack.Count == 0) {
                return numberStack.Pop();
            return 0;

    Then to test this out:

    Calculator c = new Calculator();
    double value = c.Compute("89.8+((9*3)+8)+(9*2)+1");
    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The sum of the expression is: {0}", (float)value));
    //prints out The sum of the expression is: 143.8
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-22 12:18

    I found this on the PIClist about the Shunting Yard algorithm:

    Harold writes:

    I remember reading, a long time ago, of an algorithm that converted algebraic expressions to RPN for easy evaluation. Each infix value or operator or parenthesis was represented by a railroad car on a track. One type of car split off to another track and the other continued straight ahead. I don't recall the details (obviously!), but always thought it would be interesting to code. This is back when I was writing 6800 (not 68000) assembly code.

    This is the "shunting yard algorythm" and it is what most machine parsers use. See the article on parsing in Wikipedia. An easy way to code the shunting yard algorythm is to use two stacks. One is the "push" stack and the other the "reduce" or "result" stack. Example:

    pstack = () // empty rstack = () input: 1+2*3 precedence = 10 // lowest reduce = 0 // don't reduce

    start: token '1': isnumber, put in pstack (push) token '+': isoperator set precedence=2 if precedence < previous_operator_precedence then reduce() // see below put '+' in pstack (push) token '2': isnumber, put in pstack (push) token '*': isoperator, set precedence=1, put in pstack (push) // check precedence as // above token '3': isnumber, put in pstack (push) end of input, need to reduce (goal is empty pstack) reduce() //done

    to reduce, pop elements from the push stack and put them into the result stack, always swap the top 2 items on pstack if they are of the form 'operator' 'number':

    pstack: '1' '+' '2' '' '3' rstack: () ... pstack: () rstack: '3' '2' '' '1' '+'

    if the expression would have been:


    then the reduce trigger would have been the reading of the token '+' which has lower precendece than the '*' already pushed, so it would have done:

    pstack: '1' '' '2' rstack: () ... pstack: () rstack: '1' '2' ''

    and then pushed '+' and then '3' and then finally reduced:

    pstack: '+' '3' rstack: '1' '2' '' ... pstack: () rstack: '1' '2' '' '3' '+'

    So the short version is: push numbers, when pushing operators check the precedence of the previous operator. If it was higher than the operator's that is to be pushed now, first reduce, then push the current operator. To handle parens simply save the precedence of the 'previous' operator, and put a mark on the pstack that tells the reduce algorythm to stop reducing when solving the inside of a paren pair. The closing paren triggers a reduction as does the end of input, and also removes the open paren mark from the pstack, and restores the 'previous operation' precedence so parsing can continue after the close paren where it left off. This can be done with recursion or without (hint: use a stack to store the previous precedence when encountering a '(' ...). The generalized version of this is to use a parser generator implemented shunting yard algorythm, f.ex. using yacc or bison or taccle (tcl analog of yacc).



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