guys. I\'ve got a problem I can\'t solve: I have a 2 folders I choose with folderBrowserDialog and tons of files in source directory I need to move to the target directory.
Try this:
For copying files...
foreach (string s in files)
File.Copy(s, "C:\newFolder\newFilename.txt");
for moving files
foreach (string s in files)
File.Move(s, "C:\newFolder\newFilename.txt");
Example for Moving files to Directory:
string filepath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(filepath);
foreach (var file in d.GetFiles("*.txt"))
Directory.Move(file.FullName, filepath + "\\TextFiles\\" + file.Name);
will Move
all the files
from Desktop to Directory "TextFiles
First get all the files with specified extension using Directory.GetFiles() and then iterate through each files in the list and move them to target directory.
//Assume user types .txt into textbox
string fileExtension = "*" + textbox1.Text;
string[] txtFiles = Directory.GetFiles("Source Path", fileExtension);
foreach (var item in txtFiles)
File.Move(item, Path.Combine("Destination Directory", Path.GetFileName(item)));