What is the easiest way to save PL/pgSQL output from a PostgreSQL database to a CSV file?
I\'m using PostgreSQL 8.4 with pgAdmin III and PSQL plugin where I run que
New version - psql 12 - will support --csv
psql - devel
Switches to CSV (Comma-Separated Values) output mode. This is equivalent to \pset format csv.
Specifies the field separator to be used in CSV output format. If the separator character appears in a field's value, that field is output within double quotes, following standard CSV rules. The default is a comma.
psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables" --csv postgres
psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables" --csv -P csv_fieldsep='^' postgres
psql -c "SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables" --csv postgres > output.csv
There are several solutions:
commandpsql -d dbname -t -A -F"," -c "select * from users" > output.csv
This has the big advantage that you can using it via SSH, like ssh postgres@host command
- enabling you to get
commandCOPY (SELECT * from users) To '/tmp/output.csv' With CSV;
>psql dbname
psql>\f ','
psql>\o '/tmp/output.csv'
psql>SELECT * from users;
All of them can be used in scripts, but I prefer #1.
I'm working on AWS Redshift, which does not support the COPY TO
My BI tool supports tab-delimited CSVs though, so I used the following:
psql -h dblocation -p port -U user -d dbname -F $'\t' --no-align -c "SELECT * FROM TABLE" > outfile.csv
In pgAdmin III there is an option to export to file from the query window. In the main menu it's Query -> Execute to file or there's a button that does the same thing (it's a green triangle with a blue floppy disk as opposed to the plain green triangle which just runs the query). If you're not running the query from the query window then I'd do what IMSoP suggested and use the copy command.
import json
cursor = conn.cursor()
qry = """ SELECT details FROM test_csvfile """
rows = cursor.fetchall()
value = json.dumps(rows)
with open("/home/asha/Desktop/Income_output.json","w+") as f:
print 'Saved to File Successfully'
In terminal (while connected to the db) set output to the cvs file
1) Set field seperator to ','
\f ','
2) Set output format unaligned:
3) Show only tuples:
4) Set output:
\o '/tmp/yourOutputFile.csv'
5) Execute your query:
:select * from YOUR_TABLE
6) Output:
You will then be able to find your csv file in this location:
cd /tmp
Copy it using the scp
command or edit using nano:
nano /tmp/yourOutputFile.csv