I have trouble reading the field. I have tried in different ways but still can not. I want to read the value that the user selected the following 3 values.
Code in X
I guess you want to enable multi selection in the combobox inside DataGridComboBoxColumn. Following code project does the same.
This sample might help you in understanding how listbox can be used.
public class Employee
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Gender { get; set; }
<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" Name="myGrid" Margin="10">
<DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding Path=Name}" />
<DataGridComboBoxColumn Width="100" x:Name="Gender"
SelectedValueBinding="{Binding Gender, Mode=TwoWay}"
DisplayMemberPath="{Binding Gender}" />
<Button Name="ShowPersonDetails"
Content="Show Person Details"
Width="200" Height="30"
Click="ShowPersonDetails_Click" Margin="10" />
public partial class WPFDataGridComboBox : Window
public List<Employee> Employees { get; set; }
public List<string> Genders { get; set; }
public WPFDataGridComboBox()
Employees = new List<Employee>()
new Employee() { Name = "ABC", Gender = "Female" },
new Employee() { Name = "XYZ" }
Genders = new List<string>();
myGrid.ItemsSource = Employees;
Gender.ItemsSource = Genders;
private void ShowPersonDetails_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
foreach (Employee employee in Employees)
string text = string.Empty;
text = "Name : " + employee.Name + Environment.NewLine;
text += "Gender : " + employee.Gender + Environment.NewLine;