I am using WebMatrix and have built a website based on the \"StarterSite\". In this starter site you get a nice basic layout - including registration, login, forgot password
As of the RTM release of WebMatrix/ASP.NET Web Pages, the salt feature/column is unused.
If you open up the Web Pages source, you'll see the db classes littered with references like
INSERT INTO [" + MembershipTableName + "] (UserId, [Password], PasswordSalt
VALUES (uid, hashedPassword,String.Empty /* salt column is unused */
shortened for emphasis
There are definately ways to override and implement this behavior, first being:
not going to go into detail there though unless you request, as your usage of WebMatrix and a template suggests you probably don't wanna mess with rewriting a ton of your own C#/ASP code for this project.
The above answer gives the impression that there is no salting applied when using WebSecurity
That is not true. Indeed the database salt field is not used, however this does not indicate that there is no salt generated when hashing the password.
In WebSecurity
s SimpleMembershipProvider
the PBKDF2 algo is used, the random salt is generated by the StaticRandomNumberGenerator
and stored in the password field with the hash:
byte[] outputBytes = new byte[1 + SALT_SIZE + PBKDF2_SUBKEY_LENGTH];
Buffer.BlockCopy(salt, 0, outputBytes, 1, SALT_SIZE);
Buffer.BlockCopy(subkey, 0, outputBytes, 1 + SALT_SIZE, PBKDF2_SUBKEY_LENGTH);
return Convert.ToBase64String(outputBytes);