So I have something like the following:
$a = 3;
$b = 4;
$c = 5;
$d = 6;
and I run a comparison like
if($a>$b || $c>$d
public function checkOperator($value1, $operator, $value2) { switch ($operator) { case '%': // Percentage return $value1 % $value2; case '+': // Sum return $value1 + $value2; case '-': // subtraction return $value1 - $value2; case '*': // Multiplication return $value1 * $value2; case '/': // Divided return $value1 / $value2; case '': // Greater than return $value1 > $value2; case '>=': // Greater than or equal to return $value1 >= $value2; case '==': // Equal return $value1 == $value2; case '===': // Identical return $value1 === $value2; case '!==': // Not Identical return $value1 !== $value2; case '!=': // Not equal case '': // Not equal return $value1 != $value2; case '||': // Or case 'or': // Or return $value1 || $value2; case '&&': // And case 'and': // And return $value1 && $value2; case 'xor': // Or return $value1 xor $value2; default: return false; } }
Nope, there is no way to re-define operators (or use variable operators) in PHP AFAIK.
Short of using eval(), the closest I can think of is creating a function:
function my_operator ($cond1, $cond2)
if ( .... )
return ($cond1 || $cond2);
return ($cond1 && $cond2);
if (my_operator(($a > $b), ($c > $d)))
eval is often perfectly legitimate to use in such cases, if you don't use arbitrary user input or can whitelist simple math expressions:
$expr = "$var1 $op $var2";
$rx_math = '/^
\d+(\.\d+)? \s* # numeric
([-+\/*<>^%]|>=|<=|==) # operator
\s* \d+(\.\d+)? # numeric
if (preg_match($rx_math, $expr)) {
eval("\$result = $expr;");
Writing your own math parser is fun of course. But slightly misguided in the context of scripting languages, where it's a built-in feature anyway.
No, that syntax isn't available. The best you could do would be an eval(), which would not be recommended, especially if the $e came from user input (ie, a form), or a switch statement with each operator as a case
case "||":
if($a>$b || $c>$d)
echo 'yes';
It's not possible, but you could use a function instead. Of course, you'd have to define them yourself. This would be fairly simple using PHP 5.3's closures:
$or = function($x, $y)
return $x || $y;
if ($or($a > $b, $c > $d))
echo 'yes';
Just to make the list complete this is the function I use. It has all the operators. Its better not to use eval(). This will be much quicker and safer.
* checks 2 values with operator
* you can use logical operators als well
* returns FALSE or TRUE
function checkOperator($value1, $operator, $value2) {
switch ($operator) {
case '<': // Less than
return $value1 < $value2;
case '<=': // Less than or equal to
return $value1 <= $value2;
case '>': // Greater than
return $value1 > $value2;
case '>=': // Greater than or equal to
return $value1 >= $value2;
case '==': // Equal
return $value1 == $value2;
case '===': // Identical
return $value1 === $value2;
case '!==': // Not Identical
return $value1 !== $value2;
case '!=': // Not equal
case '<>': // Not equal
return $value1 != $value2;
case '||': // Or
case 'or': // Or
return $value1 || $value2;
case '&&': // And
case 'and': // And
return $value1 && $value2;
case 'xor': // Or
return $value1 xor $value2;
return FALSE;
} // end switch
To call it:
$value1 = 12;
$operator = '>';
$value2 = 13;
if (checkOperator($value1, $operator, $value2)) {
... its true
} else {
... its not true