I\'ve got a string in .NET which is actually a url. I want an easy way to get the value from a particular parameter.
Normally, I\'d just use Request.Params[
Here's another alternative if, for any reason, you can't or don't want to use HttpUtility.ParseQueryString()
This is built to be somewhat tolerant to "malformed" query strings, i.e. http://test/test.html?empty=
becomes a parameter with an empty value. The caller can verify the parameters if needed.
public static class UriHelper
public static Dictionary<string, string> DecodeQueryParameters(this Uri uri)
if (uri == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("uri");
if (uri.Query.Length == 0)
return new Dictionary<string, string>();
return uri.Query.TrimStart('?')
.Split(new[] { '&', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
.Select(parameter => parameter.Split(new[] { '=' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
.GroupBy(parts => parts[0],
parts => parts.Length > 2 ? string.Join("=", parts, 1, parts.Length - 1) : (parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : ""))
.ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key,
grouping => string.Join(",", grouping));
public class UriHelperTest
public void DecodeQueryParameters()
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html", new Dictionary<string, string>());
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?", new Dictionary<string, string>());
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?key=bla/blub.xml", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "key", "bla/blub.xml" } });
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?eins=1&zwei=2", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "eins", "1" }, { "zwei", "2" } });
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?empty", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "empty", "" } });
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?empty=", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "empty", "" } });
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?key=1&", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "key", "1" } });
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?key=value?&b=c", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "key", "value?" }, { "b", "c" } });
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?key=value=what", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "key", "value=what" } });
new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "q", "energy+edge" },
{ "rls", "com.microsoft:en-au" },
{ "ie", "UTF-8" },
{ "oe", "UTF-8" },
{ "startIndex", "" },
{ "startPage", "1%22" },
DecodeQueryParametersTest("http://test/test.html?key=value;key=anotherValue", new Dictionary<string, string> { { "key", "value,anotherValue" } });
private static void DecodeQueryParametersTest(string uri, Dictionary<string, string> expected)
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Uri(uri).DecodeQueryParameters();
Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, parameters.Count, "Wrong parameter count. Uri: {0}", uri);
foreach (var key in expected.Keys)
Assert.IsTrue(parameters.ContainsKey(key), "Missing parameter key {0}. Uri: {1}", key, uri);
Assert.AreEqual(expected[key], parameters[key], "Wrong parameter value for {0}. Uri: {1}", parameters[key], uri);
You can use the following workaround for it to work with the first parameter too:
var param1 =
new []{0, url.IndexOf('?')}.Max()
if you want in get your QueryString on Default page .Default page means your current page url . you can try this code :
string paramIl = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(this.ClientQueryString).Get("city");
I used it and it run perfectly
<%=Request.QueryString["id"] %>
Or if you don't know the URL (so as to avoid hardcoding, use the AbsoluteUri
Example ...
//get the full URL
Uri myUri = new Uri(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri);
//get any parameters
string strStatus = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(myUri.Query).Get("status");
string strMsg = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(myUri.Query).Get("message");
switch (strStatus.ToUpper())
case "OK":
webMessageBox.Show("EMAILS SENT!");
case "ER":
webMessageBox.Show("EMAILS SENT, BUT ... " + strMsg);
For anyone who wants to loop through all query strings from a string
foreach (var item in new Uri(urlString).Query.TrimStart('?').Split('&'))
var subStrings = item.Split('=');
var key = subStrings[0];
var value = subStrings[1];
// do something with values