Java terminology for differentiating runtime type from compile-time type

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孤街浪徒 2020-12-06 08:56

In Java, an Object can have a runtime type (which is what it was created as) and a casted type (the type you have casted it to be).

I\'m wondering what

  • 2020-12-06 09:14

    In this case, A is the reference type while B is the instance type

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  • 2020-12-06 09:14

    To determine a is object of which class you can use:

    /*The java.lang.Object.getClass() method returns the runtime class of an object*/   
    System.out.println("a is object of: "+a.getClass());
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  • 2020-12-06 09:19

    The Java Language Specification speaks about a variable's declared type, the javadoc of getClass() about an object's runtime class.

    Note that there is no such thing as a runtime type in Java; List<String> and List<Integer> are different types, but their instances share the same runtime class.

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  • 2020-12-06 09:19

    The type of the variable a is A. There's no changing that, since it's a reference. It happens to refer to an object of type B. While you're referring to that B object through an A reference you can only treat it as though it were of type A.

    You can later cast it to its more specific type

    B b = (B)a;

    and use the B methods on that object.

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  • 2020-12-06 09:29

    Section 15.5. Expressions and Run-Time Checks differentiates between

    • the type of an expression
    • the class of the referenced object

    For example,

    If the type of an expression is a reference type, then the class of the referenced object, or even whether the value is a reference to an object rather than null, is not necessarily known at compile time. There are a few places in the Java programming language where the actual class of a referenced object affects program execution in a manner that cannot be deduced from the type of the expression...


    An expression whose type is a reference type may be tested using instanceof to find out whether the class of the object referenced by the run-time value of the expression

    Hence, applying the above language to

    A a = new B();

    we might say something like

    The static type of the expression a is A, despite the fact the value stored in a is a reference to the object of runtime class B.

    Personally, I interpret the two concepts in the following manner (but beware I am unsure of its correctness):

    • static type of the expression is purely syntactic concept existing in source code at compile time for processing by Java compiler
    • runtime class of the object is actual machine construct existing in machine memory at runtime for processing by Java Virtual Machine
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  • 2020-12-06 09:34

    The terminology you are looking for is the Apparent Type and the Actual Type.

    A a = new B();

    The Apparent Type is A because the compiler only knows that the object is of type A. As such at this time you cannot reference any of the B specific methods.

    The Actual Type is B. You are allowed to cast the object (that is change its apparent type) in order to access the B specific methods.

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