So I wrote now several patterns for logs which are working. The thing is now, that I have these multiple logs, with multiple patterns, in one single file. How does logstash
You could use multiple patterns for your grok filter,
grok {
match => ["fieldname", "pattern1", "pattern2", ..., "patternN"]
and they will be applied in order but a) it's not the best option performance-wise and b) you probably want to treat different types of logs differently anyway, so I suggest you use conditionals based on the type or tags of a message:
if [type] == "syslog" {
grok {
match => ["message", "your syslog pattern"]
Set the type in the input plugin.
The documentation for the currently released version of Logstash is at It probably doesn't address your question specifically but it can be inferred.
Write the most specific grok first and use this syntax:
grok {
match => {
"message" => [
#Most specific grok:
#Less specific: