I\'m using the \"include\" function (e.x. \"include \'header2.php\'\" or \"include \'class.users.php\'\") to add the header or session class in my website. I don\'t really r
Anything server side (assuming your server isn't compromised) is safe. Doing this:
$var = $_GET['var']';
include $var . ".php";
is insecure.
include "page.php";
is secure.
I'm using this method.
<?php include (dirname(__FILE__).'/file.php');
No! An include() is NOT secure. Without considering a single line of code, consider this: include() still allows your script to chug along even if a file fails to load. It will continue to run with a warning. SO, this widens the attack vector of your php script for the clever malicious user.
Within a modern application design, why would the inclusion of a file ever need to be optional? If your application is not whole, you want it to fail!
The best thing to do is ensure that the page you are trying to include exists first. The real security loopholes come when your include page is processed from some sort of user input, such as a URL variable. ?include=page.php
As long as you are cautious of these you should be fine.
if(is_file($file)) {
//other code, such as user verification and such should also go here
include $file;
else { die(); }
Include can be abused if you do something like this:
and then call the URL:
attackers can then substitute index.php
for hxxp://hackerz.ru/install_stuff.php
and your server will gladly run it.
itself is perfectly safe. Just make sure to always validate/escape your input.
It all depends on how you implement it. If you specifically set the path, then it's secure. The attack could happen if you allow user input to determine the file path without sanitization or checks.
Insecure (Directory Traversal)
Insecure (URL fopen - If enabled)
include('./some_dir/' . $_GET['file']);
Partially Insecure ( *.php files are vulnerable )
include('./some_dir/' . $_GET['file'] . '.php');
Secure (Though not sure why anyone would do this.)
$allowed = array(
if (in_array(basename($_GET['file']), $allowed)) {
include('./includes/' . basename($_GET['file']));