I\'m trying to sort the digits of an integer of any length in ascending order without using Strings, arrays or recursion.
Input: 451467
Here is the simple solution :
public class SortDigits
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void sortDigits(int num)
System.out.println("Number : " + num);
String number = Integer.toString(num);
int len = number.length(); // get length of the number
int[] digits = new int[len];
int i = 0;
while (num != 0)
int digit = num % 10;
digits[i++] = digit; // get all the digits
num = num / 10;
System.out.println("Digit before sorting: ");
for (int j : digits)
System.out.print(j + ",");
System.out.println("\nDigit After sorting: ");
for (int j : digits)
System.out.print(j + ",");
//simple bubble sort
public static void sort(int[] arr)
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < arr.length; j++)
if (arr[i] > arr[j])
int tmp = arr[j];
arr[j] = arr[i];
arr[i] = tmp;
My algorithm of doing it:
int ascending(int a)
int b = a;
int i = 1;
int length = (int)Math.log10(a) + 1; // getting the number of digits
for (int j = 0; j < length - 1; j++)
b = a;
i = 1;
while (b > 9)
int s = b % 10; // getting the last digit
int r = (b % 100) / 10; // getting the second last digit
if (s < r)
a = a + s * i * 10 - s * i - r * i * 10 + r * i; // switching the digits
b = a;
i = i * 10;
b = b / i; // removing the last digit from the number
return a;
There's actually a very simple algorithm, that uses only integers:
int number = 4214173;
int sorted = 0;
int digits = 10;
int sortedDigits = 1;
boolean first = true;
while (number > 0) {
int digit = number % 10;
if (!first) {
int tmp = sorted;
int toDivide = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < sortedDigits; i++) {
int tmpDigit = tmp % 10;
if (digit >= tmpDigit) {
sorted = sorted/toDivide*toDivide*10 + digit*toDivide + sorted % toDivide;
} else if (i == sortedDigits-1) {
sorted = digit * digits + sorted;
tmp /= 10;
toDivide *= 10;
digits *= 10;
sortedDigits += 1;
} else {
sorted = digit;
first = false;
number = number / 10;
it will print out 1123447
The idea is simple:
That version of the algorithm can sort in both asc in desc orders, you just have to change the condition.
Also, I suggest you to take a look at so-called Radix Sort, the solution here takes some ideas from radix sort, and I think the radix sort is the general case for that solution.
It's 4 lines, based on a for
loop variant of your while loop with a little java 8 spice:
int number = 4214;
List<Integer> numbers = new LinkedList<>(); // a LinkedList is not backed by an array
for (int i = number; i > 0; i /= 10)
numbers.add(i % 10);
numbers.stream().sorted().forEach(System.out::println); // or for you forEach(IO::println)
How to sort a number without use of array, string or sorting api? Well, you can sort a number with following simple steps (if too much to read then see the debugging output below to get an idea of how the sorting is done):
I provided a code with two while loops in the main method and one function. The function does nothing but, builds a new integer excluding the digit that is passed to for example I pass the function 451567 and 1 and the function returns me 45567 (in any order, doesn't matter). If this function is passed 451567 and 5 then, it finds both 5 digits in number and add them to store and return number without 5 digits (this avoid extra processing).
Debugging, to know how it sorts the integer:
Last digit is : 7 of number : 451567
Subchunk is 45156
Subchunk is 4515
Subchunk is 451
Subchunk is 45
Subchunk is 4
Smalled digit in 451567 is 1
Store is : 1
Remove 1 from 451567
Reduced number is : 76554
Last digit is : 4 of number : 76554
Subchunk is 7655
Subchunk is 765
Subchunk is 76
Subchunk is 7
Smalled digit in 76554 is 4
Store is : 14
Remove 4 from 76554
Reduced number is : 5567
Last digit is : 7 of number : 5567
Subchunk is 556
Subchunk is 55
Subchunk is 5
Smalled digit in 5567 is 5
Store is : 145
Remove 5 from 5567
Repeated min digit 5 found. Store is : 145
Repeated min digit 5 added to store. Updated store is : 1455
Reduced number is : 76
Last digit is : 6 of number : 76
Subchunk is 7
Smalled digit in 76 is 6
Store is : 14556
Remove 6 from 76
Reduced number is : 7
Last digit is : 7 of number : 7
Smalled digit in 7 is 7
Store is : 145567
Remove 7 from 7
Reduced number is : 0
Ascending order of 451567 is 145567
The sample code is as follow:
//stores our sorted number
static int store = 0;
public static void main(String []args){
int number = 451567;
int original = number;
while (number > 0) {
//digit by digit - get last most digit
int digit = number % 10;
System.out.println("Last digit is : " + digit + " of number : " + number);
//get the whole number minus the last most digit
int temp = number / 10;
//loop through number minus the last digit to compare
while(temp > 0) {
System.out.println("Subchunk is " + temp);
//get the last digit of this sub-number
int t = temp % 10;
//compare and find the lowest
//for sorting descending change condition to t > digit
if(t < digit)
digit = t;
//divide the number and keep loop until the smallest is found
temp = temp / 10;
System.out.println("Smalled digit in " + number + " is " + digit);
//add the smallest digit to store
store = (store * 10) + digit;
System.out.println("Store is : " + store);
//we found the smallest digit, we will remove that from number and find the
//next smallest digit and keep doing this until we find all the smallest
//digit in sub chunks of number, and keep adding the smallest digits to
number = getReducedNumber(number, digit);
System.out.println("Ascending order of " + original + " is " + store);
* A simple method that constructs a new number, excluding the digit that was found
* to b e smallest and added to the store. The new number gets returned so that
* smallest digit in the returned new number be found.
public static int getReducedNumber(int number, int digit) {
System.out.println("Remove " + digit + " from " + number);
int newNumber = 0;
//flag to make sure we do not exclude repeated digits, in case there is 44
boolean repeatFlag = false;
while(number > 0) {
int t = number % 10;
//assume in loop one we found 1 as smallest, then we will not add one to the new number at all
if(t != digit) {
newNumber = (newNumber * 10) + t;
} else if(t == digit) {
if(repeatFlag) {
System.out.println("Repeated min digit " + t + "found. Store is : " + store);
store = (store * 10) + t;
System.out.println("Repeated min digit " + t + "added to store. Updated store is : " + store);
//we found another value that is equal to digit, add it straight to store, it is
//guaranteed to be minimum
} else {
//skip the digit because its added to the store, in main method, set flag so
// if there is repeated digit then this method add them directly to store
repeatFlag = true;
number /= 10;
System.out.println("Reduced number is : " + newNumber);
return newNumber;
Since the possible elements (i. e. digits) in a number are known (0 to 9) and few (10 in total), you can do this:
int number = 451467;
// the possible elements are known, 0 to 9
for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
int tempNumber = number;
while (tempNumber > 0) {
int digit = tempNumber % 10;
if (digit == i) {
tempNumber = tempNumber / 10;