On a non-rooted android device, I can navigate to the data folder containing the database using the run-as
command with my package name. Most files types I am c
The database file is emtpy when using adb run-as
. This can be resolved by calling close() on the RoomDatabase instance. Call close() to let SQLite write its journal to disk.
I've created this button that closes the database connection on request:
Here is how to call close on the RoomDatabase instance.
If someone is looking for another answer that can be used to retrieve Database
as well as Shared Preferences
then follow this step:
In your build.gradle
file of your app add line
debugCompile 'com.amitshekhar.android:debug-db:1.0.0'
now when you run your app in non-release
mode then your app will automatically open 8080 port from your device IP address
make sure your device is connected via wifi
and your laptop
is sharing the same network. Now simply visit the url
to watch all data of database along with shared preferences.
For app's debug version, it's very convenient to use command adb exec-out run-as xxx.yyy.zzz cat somefile > somefile
to extract a single file. But you have to do multiple times for multiple files. Here is a simple script I use to extract the directory.
function usage()
echo "$(basename $0) [-f file] [-d directory] -p package"
exit 1
while getopts ":p:f:d:" opt
case $opt in
echo package is $OPTARG
echo file is $OPTARG
echo directory is $OPTARG
echo Unknown option -$OPTARG
echo Required argument not found -$OPTARG
[ x$P == x ] && {
echo "package can not be empty"
exit 1
[[ x$F == x && x$D == x ]] && {
echo "file or directory can not be empty"
exit 1
function file_type()
# use printf to avoid carriage return
__t=$(adb shell run-as $P "sh -c \"[ -f $1 ] && printf f || printf d\"")
echo $__t
function list_and_pull()
t=$(file_type $1)
if [ $t == d ]; then
for f in $(adb shell run-as $P ls $1)
# the carriage return output from adb shell should
# be removed
mkdir -p $(echo -e $1 |sed $'s/\r//')
list_and_pull $(echo -e $1/$f |sed $'s/\r//')
echo pull file $1
[ ! -e $(dirname $1) ] && mkdir -p $(dirname $1)
$(adb exec-out run-as $P cat $1 > $1)
[ ! -z $D ] && list_and_pull $D
[ ! -z $F ] && list_and_pull $F
Hope it would be helpful. This script is also available at gist.
Typical usage is
$ ./exec_out.sh -p com.example.myapplication -d databases
then it will extract all files under your apps databases directory, which is /data/data/com.example.myapplication/databases
, into current directory.
Much much simpler approach to download the file onto your local computer:
In your PC shell run:
adb -d shell 'run-as <package_name> cat /data/data/<package_name>/databases/<db_name>' > <local_file_name>
Here's a solution that works on a device running Android 5.1. The following example is for Windows.
You need sed (or sed.exe on windows, e.g. from cygwin.) ( On Unix, it'll just be there ;) ). To remove bad '\r' characters, at least on windows.
Now just run the following command:
adb exec-out "run-as com.yourcompany.yourapp /data/data/com.yourcompany.yourapp/databases/YourDatabaseName" | c:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe 's/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/'>YourDatabaseName.db
The sed command strips out trailing /r characters.
Of course you should replace "com.yourcompany.yourapp" with the package name of the app and "YourDatabaseName" with the name of the database in the app.
#export for adb
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/userMe/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools
export PATH=$PATH:/Users/userMe/Library/Android/sdk/tools
adb -d shell 'run-as com.android.app cp /data/data/com.android.app/files/db.realm /sdcard'
adb pull sdcard/db.realm /Users/userMe/Desktop/db
You can use this script for get Realm database.