Most of the top google hits for \"calling clojure from java\" are outdated and recommend using clojure.lang.RT
to compile the source code. Could you help with a
I agree with clartaq's answer, but I felt that beginners could also use:
So I covered all that in this blog post.
The Clojure code looks like this:
(ns ThingOne.core
:methods [#^{:static true} [foo [int] void]]))
(defn -foo [i] (println "Hello from Clojure. My input was " i))
(defn -main [] (println "Hello from Clojure -main." ))
The leiningen 1.7.1 project setup looks like this:
(defproject ThingOne "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "Hello, Clojure"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]]
:aot [ThingOne.core]
:main ThingOne.core)
The Java code looks like this:
import ThingOne.*;
class HelloJava {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello from Java!"); (12345);
Or you can also get all the code from this project on github.
If the use case is to include a JAR built with Clojure in a Java application, I have found having a separate namespace for the interface between the two worlds to be beneficial:
(ns example-app.interop
(:require [example-app.core :as core])
;; This example covers two-way communication: the Clojure library
;; relies on the wrapping Java app for some functionality (through
;; an interface that the Clojure library provides and the Java app
;; implements) and the Java app calls the Clojure library to perform
;; work. The latter case is covered by a class provided by the Clojure lib.
;; This namespace should be AOT compiled.
;; The interface that the java app can implement
:name com.example.WeatherForecast
:methods [[getTemperature [] Double]])
;; The class that the java app instantiates
:name com.example.HighTemperatureMailer
:state state
:init init
;; Dependency injection - take an instance of the previously defined
;; interface as a constructor argument
:constructors {[com.example.WeatherForecast] []}
:methods [[sendMails [] void]])
(defn -init [weather-forecast]
[[] {:weather-forecast weather-forecast}])
;; The actual work is done in the core namespace
(defn -sendMails
(core/send-mails (.state this)))
The core namespace can use the injected instance to accomplish its tasks:
(ns example-app.core)
(defn send-mails
[{:keys [weather-forecast]}]
(let [temp (.getTemperature weather-forecast)] ...))
For testing purposes, the interface can be stubbed:
(reify com.example.WeatherForecast (getTemperature [this] ...)))
You can also use AOT compilation to create class files representing your clojure code. Read the documentation about compilation, gen-class and friends in the Clojure API docs for the details about how to do this, but in essence you will create a class that calls clojure functions for each method invocation.
Another alternative is to use the new defprotocol and deftype functionality, which will also require AOT compilation but provide better performance. I don't know the details of how to do this yet, but a question on the mailing list would probably do the trick.