I can add underline in spinner using style=\"@style/Base.Widget.AppCompat.Spinner.Underlined\"
. How can I change color of underline using style only? I dont wan
By default the Spinner
will use the color set via android:textColorSecondary
or colorControlNormal
in your AppTheme
. So either set the appropriate colors there or define a new Theme and apply this one to your Spinner:
<style name="ThemeSpinner">
<!-- Color when pressed -->
<item name="colorAccent">#ffa000</item>
<!-- Default color for the dropdown arrow and line -->
<item name="colorControlNormal">#ffc107</item>
android:theme="@style/ThemeSpinner" />
Note: The dropdown arrow will also be tinted - I'm not aware of an option to color the arrow separately
Add this to spinner
Seems like this question has already been answered. But here is a way to resolve that programatically as well. (Tested on API 19 & Above).
Use ViewCompat
for this.
ViewCompat.setBackgroundTintList(spinner, ColorStateList.valueOf(your_color));