I am trying to compile a C program using cmake which uses SIMD intrinsics. When I try to compile it, I get two errors
A general method to find the instruction switch for gcc
File intrin.sh:
get_instruction ()
[ -z "$1" ] && exit
func_name="$1 "
header_file=`grep --include=\*intrin.h -Rl "$func_name" /usr/lib/gcc | head -n1`
[ -z "$header_file" ] && exit
>&2 echo "find in: $header_file"
target_directive=`grep "#pragma GCC target(\|$func_name" $header_file | grep -B 1 "$func_name" | head -n1`
echo $target_directive | grep -o '"[^,]*[,"]' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g'
instruction=`get_instruction $1`
if [ -z "$instruction" ]; then
echo "Error: function not found: $1"
echo "add this option to gcc: -m$instruction"
./intrin.sh _mm_shuffle_epi8 # output: -mssse3
./intrin.sh _mm_cvtepu8_epi32 # output: -msse4.1
./intrin.sh _mm_loadu_ps # output: -msse
./intrin.sh _mm_clmulepi64_si128 # output: -mpclmul
./intrin.sh _mm256_loadu_si256 # output: -mavx
./intrin.sh _mm512_and_ps # output: -mavx512dq
Since you are compiling C code, not C++, you need:
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -msse4.1")
You can get rid of all the other -march XXX
and -msseXXX
If you're using a mix of C and C++ then you could also add: