I have the below SQL statement that works as desired/expected. However I would like to translate it into a LINQ statement(Lambda??) so that it will fit with the rest of my
Based on answer from @Totero but with a lamda implementation. Higher score = higher rank.
var rankedData = data.Select(s => new{
Ranking = data.Count(x => x.Value > s.Value)+1,
Name = s.Key,
Score = s.Value});
For this input:
{ 100, 100, 98, 97, 97, 97, 91, 50 }
You will get this output:
If you want to simulate rank then you can use following linq query.
var q = (from s in class.student
select new
Name = s.Name,
Rank = (from o in class.student
where o.Mark > s.Mark && o.studentId == s.studentId
select o.Mark).Distinct().Count() + 1
you can use order by like:
var q = (from s in class.student
orderby s.studentId
select new
Name = s.Name,
Rank = (from o in class.student
where o.Mark > s.Mark && o.studentId == s.studentId
select o.Mark).Distinct().Count() + 1
but order by does not matter in this query.
Here's a sample that shows how I would simulate Rank() in Linq:
var q = from s in class.student
orderby s.Age descending
select new {
Name = s.name,
Rank = (from o in class.student
where o.mark > s.mark
select o).Count() + 1
LINQ has rank funcionality built in, but not in the query syntax. When using the method syntax most linq functions come in two versions - the normal one and one with a rank supplied.
A simple example selecting only every other student and then adding the index in the resulting sequence to the result:
var q = class.student.OrderBy(s => s.studentId).Where((s, i) => i % 2 == 0)
.Select((s,i) => new
Name = s.Name,
Rank = i