I want to implement the back button functionality in my application. In application whenever I\'m clicking on back button in middle my control is going to login page direct
Yes you can override that back button
public void onBackPressed() {
Intent start = new Intent(currentclassname.this,which activity u want.class);
By this you can move on any activity. This is very easy and simple way
see below code. write outside the onCreate
public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
//replaces the default 'Back' button action
Intent intent = new Intent(currentActivity.this, RequiredActivity.class);
return true;
If your concern is about removing the login activity from the history stack.
Execute finish(); in your login activity when you start any other activity from that
Depends on whether or not you want to support pre-Android 2.0 phones. The onBackPressed()
method was added to Android 2.0 (API 5).
You may want to read this post on the Android Developer blog for details: