I am wondering how it is possible to get rid of (or change color) titleDivider in Dialog. It is a blue line below dialog title shown on honeycomb+ devices.
Thanku All but I got the Solution to get reference to titledivider of alertdialog to change its color using below code.Hope this helps somebody.
int divierId = dialog.getContext().getResources()
.getIdentifier("android:id/titleDivider", null, null);
View divider = dialog.findViewById(divierId);
In colors.xml:
<color name="transparent">#00000000</color>
In dialog:
int divierId = dialog.getContext().getResources().getIdentifier("android:id/titleDivider",null, null);
View divider = d.findViewById(divierId); divider.setBackgroundColor(getResources().getColor(R.color.transparent));
Your idea was correct. However, dialogTitleDecorLayout you were looking for is a private resource, so you can't access it in a normal way. But you still can access it using * syntax:
<item name="*android:dialogTitleDecorLayout">@layout/dialog_title</item>
Adding this to my own style and simply copying dialog_title.xml to my app and changing it slightly solved the problem in my case.