I\'m seeing the following error :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/util/concurrent/FutureFallback
when the cluster.c
Don't add external guava version . whatever datastax-cassandra-core using only you can put that version . otherwise don't need of that .
If anyone like me didn't know, that there is a new version (4.x) out there with a new and different group id, take a look at the quickstart. This new version still uses Guava however it's shaded.
The driver now requires Java 8. It does not depend on Guava anymore (we still use it internally but it's shaded).
More information can be found in the upgrade guide.
com.google.common.util.concurrent.FutureFallback is deprecated in Guava 19.0 and removed since Guava 20.0.
Use Guava 19.0 and do not use Guava 20.0 or greater, until you upgrade the Cassandra driver.
I updated the Cassandra driver version to latest available and it should fix the issue.