Trying to get selenium
to work with Python 3 for web scraping purposes:
from selenium import webdriver
chrome_path = r\"/Library/Frameworks/Pyth
I have met this annoying problem when I am lerning selenium. This is my solution: (MacOS 10.13.4)
brew cask install chromedriver
brew cask install google-chrome
Thanks to homebrew now chrome and chromedriver are installed in the same folder and this problem will be automatically solved.
The issue is that chromedriver also needs to know where chrome is. In your case it is at a non-default path. So you need to specify the complete path to the Google Chrome
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.binary_location = "/Applications/Google Chrome"
chrome_driver_binary = "/usr/local/bin/chromedriver"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_driver_binary, chrome_options=options)
Above code is what you should use
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.binary_location = r"<YOUR_CHROME_PATH>\chrome.exe"
chrome_driver_path = r"<PATH_TO_CHROME_DRIVER>\chromedriver.exe>"
browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_driver_path, chrome_options=options)
If anyone is getting the same error on a linux machine, then you are missing google chrome installation as one of the steps needed for chrome driver to work.
Follow this link to install Google chrome on Linux.
Now, check code
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='/usr/bin/chromedriver', options=chrome_options, service_args=['--verbose', '--log-path=/tmp/chromedriver.log'])
For me it worked.
If your chromedriver
is located within /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/
directory the following code block should be working for you:
from selenium import webdriver
chrome_path = r'/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/chromedriver'
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chrome_path)
It is important on Win to set the name of chrome.exe otherwise it fail to create a process (see below):
from selenium import webdriver
from import ChromeDriverManager
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.binary_location = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
chrome_driver_binary = r"C:/Users/Max/.wdm/chromedriver/75.0.3770.8/win32/chromedriver.exe"
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_driver_binary, chrome_options=options)
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: Failed to create a Chrome process.
For Firefox (download driver
options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
#options.binary_location = r"C:\maxbook\maxboxpython\geckodriver-v0.24.0-win64\geckodriver.exe"
options.binary_location = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
firefox_driver_binary = r"C:\maxbook\maxboxpython\geckodriver-v0.24.0-win64\\"
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_driver_binary, options=options)