In my Qt-application I open a URL in the default-browser. Afterwards I want to bring the main-window of my application to the front again.
I tried all approaches I c
for ( QWindow* appWindow : qApplication.allWindows() )
appWindow->show(); //bring window to top on OSX
appWindow->raise(); //bring window from minimized state on OSX
appWindow->requestActivate(); //bring window to front/unminimize on windows
Note that this also brings up the window from other virtual desktops on both OSX and Windows. I did not test this on linux, it may work though.
This issue is not specific to Windows....I have the same issue on Linux. My solution was to close() the window before I re open() it.
try this:
viewer.setWindowState( (windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized) | Qt::WindowActive);
viewer.raise(); // for MacOS
viewer.activateWindow(); // for Windows
it work in my project ( in my project viewer is QMainWindow): .
This problem is specific to Windows. If the active window belongs to some process, then Windows does not allow other processes to change the active Window.
(Do not try the following:
I did it like this:
this->show(); // Restore from systray
this->setWindowState(Qt::WindowState::WindowActive); // Bring window to foreground
assuming "this
" is your QMainWindow
Worked like a charm.