I am using the following method to browse for a file:
PictureNameTextEdit.Text = OpenFileDialog.FileName
C++ code for obtain filename and complete path in OpenFileDialog:
textBox1->Text = OpenFileDialog1->FileName; //complete path
textBox1->Text = System::IO::Path::GetFileName(OpenFileDialog1->FileName); //filename
//Following code return file name only
string[] FileFullPath;
string FileName;
objOpenFileDialog.Title = "Select Center Logo";
FileFullPath = objOpenFileDialog.FileNames[0].ToString().Split('\\');
FileName = FileFullPath[FileFullPath.Length - 1]; //return only File Name
//Use following code if u want save other folder ,
// following code save file to CenterLogo folder which inside bin folder//
System.IO.File.Copy(OFD.FileName, Application.StartupPath +
"/CenterLogo/" + FileName, true);