In numpy I have an array like
[0 + 0.5j, 0.25 + 1.2352444e-24j, 0.25+ 0j, 2.46519033e-32 + 0j]
what is the fastest and easiest way to se
To set elements that are less than eps
to zero:
a[np.abs(a) < eps] = 0
There could be a specialized function that is more efficient.
If you want to suppress printing of small floats instead:
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1+1e-10j])
print a # -> [ 1. +1.00000000e-10j]
print a # -> [ 1.+0.j]
If all numbers have small imaginary parts, and you only want to suppress these then you can use
Otherwise the suggestion by DSM is the way forward, i.e.
Hmmm. I'm not super-happy with it, but this seems to work:
>>> a = np.array([0 + 0.5j, 0.25 + 1.2352444e-24j, 0.25+ 0j, 2.46519033e-32 + 0j])
>>> a
array([ 0.00000000e+00 +5.00000000e-01j,
2.50000000e-01 +1.23524440e-24j,
2.50000000e-01 +0.00000000e+00j, 2.46519033e-32 +0.00000000e+00j])
>>> tol = 1e-16
>>> a.real[abs(a.real) < tol] = 0.0
>>> a.imag[abs(a.imag) < tol] = 0.0
>>> a
array([ 0.00+0.5j, 0.25+0.j , 0.25+0.j , 0.00+0.j ])
and you can choose your tolerance as your problem requires. I usually use an order of magnitude or so higher than
>>> np.finfo(np.float).eps
but it's problem-dependent.
You can also use the numpy.isclose method:
>>> np.isclose([1e10,1e-7], [1.00001e10,1e-8])
array([True, False])
By asking if it is close to zero, it should work:
>>> np.isclose([1e10,0], [1.00001e-10,0])
array([False, True])
You can customise the atol
(absolute tolerance, defaults to 1e-08
) and the rtol
(relative tolerance, defaults to 1e-05
) parameters. You can then set rtol=0
to only use the absolute tolerance.
By using the method round(n) of the array
np.array( [0 + 0.5j, 0.25 + 1.2352444e-24j,
0.25+ 0j, 2.46519033e-32 + 0j] ).round(23)
diff = x-y
array([], dtype=float64)
array([1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18,
1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18,
1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18,
1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18, 1.73472348e-18,