I noticed that a lot of people have this question and the answer is somewhat difficult to find. I've posted a list of the tag meanings I could find below.
- "RWS" - A list of Roadway (RW) items
- "RW" = This is the composite item for flow across an entire roadway.
A roadway item will be present for each roadway with traffic flow
information available
- "FIS" = A list of Flow Item (FI) elements
- "FI" = A single flow item
- "TMC" = An ordered collection of TMC locations
- "PC" = Point TMC Location Code
- "DE" = Text description of the road
- "QD" = Queuing direction. '+' or '-'. Note this is the opposite of
the travel direction in the fully qualified ID, For example for
location 107+03021 the QD would be '-'
- "LE" = Length of the stretch of road. The units are defined in the
file header
- "CF" = Current Flow. This element contains details about speed and
Jam Factor information for the given flow item.
- "CN" = Confidence, an indication of how the speed was determined.
-1.0 road closed. 1.0=100% 0.7-100% Historical Usually a value between .7 and 1.0
- "FF" = The free flow speed on this stretch of road.
- "JF" = The number between 0.0 and 10.0 indicating the expected
quality of travel. When there is a road closure, the Jam Factor will
be 10. As the number approaches 10.0 the quality of travel is getting
worse. -1.0 indicates that a Jam Factor could not be calculated
- "SP" = Speed (based on UNITS) capped by speed limit
- "SU" = Speed (based on UNITS) not capped by speed limit
- "TY" = Type information for the given Location Referencing container.
This may be freely defined string
Source: http://traffic.cit.api.here.com/traffic/6.0/xsd/flow.xsd?app_id=YOUR_APP_ID&app_code=YOUR_APP_CODE