I am currently trying to create with Visual Studio a C# application working with SQLite. I installed SQLite for my program with NuGet and three references appeared in the So
Please use the answer to the duplicate issue: https://stackoverflow.com/a/60176344/3634867
Don't store the dll yourself and copy it to /bin manually, it will lost control to the version updating and depenedcy.
for old csproj file:
<PropertyGroup> <ContentSQLiteInteropFiles>true</ContentSQLiteInteropFiles> <CopySQLiteInteropFiles>false</CopySQLiteInteropFiles> <CleanSQLiteInteropFiles>false</CleanSQLiteInteropFiles> <CollectSQLiteInteropFiles>false</CollectSQLiteInteropFiles> </PropertyGroup>
for new csporj file: (i.e. projects beginning with
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.*">
)<PackageReference Include="System.Data.SQLite.Core" Version="1.0.110" PrivateAssets="none"/>
If it is an installable file. i.e, if u are creating setup file, then you have to add the dll manually to the primary output file.
Go to properties of the setup project and in configuration settings, select pre-requisites SQLLite, select(Checkbox) install it from the project location.
See if this solves your issue.