I\'ve a WSDL file and i need to convert it into java, so for this i use step by step procedure from below link
There are two things you can do here. You can use that plugin or use web service wizard(which is available in Eclipse 3.3 also).
(i) Using the plugin:: You can download the latest Eclipse WSDL2JAVA Codegen plugin, paste it in the plugins folder of eclipse folder. Start the eclipse and you can find the Axis Codegen plugin on pressing ('Ctrl+N') or under 'File/New/Other/Axis'
(ii) Using the Web Service plugin: Press 'Ctrl+N ', and go to Web Service/Web Service Client. Paste the url(WSDL), select the client project you are working on, press next, specify the output folder and press finish.
Any of these two steps will generate the client stub(java code) for the wsdl you have given.
i founded this tool to auto generate wsdl to android code,
SampleService srv1 = new SampleService();
req = new Request();
req.companyId = "1";
req.userName = "userName";
req.password = "pas";
Response response = srv1.ServiceSample(req);
Recently I have to convert a WSDL file to Java code. I tried Axis2 Plugins with my Eclipse-Indigo and failed. I tried it in many ways but failed. Wasted my precious time and energy. I would like to suggest you one easy way i succeeded.