I have a multi-dimensional array:
$categories = array(
\'CategoryID\' => 14308,
\'CategoryLevel\' => 1,
public static function unique(array $data, $key){
$rez = [];
foreach($data as $val){
if(!isset($val[$key]) && is_array($val)){
return self::unique($val, $key);
}elseif( isset($val[$key]) ){
$rez[] = $val[$key];
return array_unique($rez);
You can change your recursive function like this, which should give you the solution:
function recursive_array_search($needle, $haystack, $currentKey = '') {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$nextKey = recursive_array_search($needle,$value, $currentKey . '[' . $key . ']');
if ($nextKey) {
return $nextKey;
else if($value==$needle) {
return is_numeric($key) ? $currentKey . '[' .$key . ']' : $currentKey . '["' .$key . '"]';
return false;
This will result in
Since CategoryID is also a key in your multidimensional array.
If you don't want this, you can adapt the function to
function recursive_array_search($needle, $haystack, $currentKey = '') {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$nextKey = recursive_array_search($needle,$value, $currentKey . '[' . $key . ']');
if ($nextKey) {
return $nextKey;
else if($value==$needle) {
return is_numeric($key) ? $currentKey . '[' .$key . ']' : $currentKey;
return false;
You are ignoring the returned value of your inner call to recursive_array_search
. Don't do that.
* Searches for $needle in the multidimensional array $haystack.
* @param mixed $needle The item to search for
* @param array $haystack The array to search
* @return array|bool The indices of $needle in $haystack across the
* various dimensions. FALSE if $needle was not found.
function recursive_array_search($needle,$haystack) {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if($needle===$value) {
return array($key);
} else if (is_array($value) && $subkey = recursive_array_search($needle,$value)) {
array_unshift($subkey, $key);
return $subkey;
function array_search_recursive( $search, $values = array(), $i = 0) {
$match = false;
var_dump($i, $search);
foreach ( $values as $keyState => $val ) {
var_dump($val == $search, 'expression');
if ( $val == $search ) {
return $keyState;
if ( is_array( $val ) ) {
$match = array_search_recursive($search, $val, $i);
if ( $match !== false ) {
return $keyState;
return false;
echo array_search_recursive($search, $canada)
This will return the first key, tested for $canada = array( 'Brazilia' => 'test1', "Alberta" => [ "Airdrie", "Brooks", "Camrose" ], "British Columbia" => [ "Abbotsford" => [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ], "Armstrong", "Castlegar" ], "Manitoba" => [ "Brandon", "Selkirk" ], 'Olanda' => 'test2' ); $search = "Selkirk";